Friday, February 20, 2009

The Sky ISN'T Falling

Here is a little more proof that the media spin is negative.

Before you read this:

  • This is a Pittsburgh paper
  • The vast majority of coal produced locally is used for electricity production-off less than 3% as quoted in the article
  • Our local mines have been working OVER capacity to provide coal to the steam market in 2007 and 2008. Dropping production by 3% at a mine that produces 3 shifts per day, 6 days per week amounts to 0.54 shifts of reduced work per week. My guess is that most miners would be thrilled to work a few less hours after working pretty much every weekend for years.
  • The 84 Mine closure announcement was first made way back in 2006. The “loss” of these jobs is old news.
  • Speaking of old at 84… We have worked a lot at that mine (it is 15 minutes from here). Many of those jobs were retirement age people anyway. The UMWA retirement package is defined benefit-so it is not impacted short term by the economy.
  • There is a shortage of people in coal right now. So, throwing anyone into the market for our other mines will actually help alleviate a real problem.
  • The mine in Northern WV that they reference is actually in Western Virginia. Almost all of its coal is for the steel market. That mine is 4 hours from here. I know it belongs to Consol, but why is it news here?
  • The picture stinks
  • The price of coal on the spot market in June of “06 was about $36/Ton. We were mining like crazy at that price. Do you think we’ll be OK at today’s spot market price of $66/Ton?
  • Consol’s average price per ton already sold in 2009 is $61.56. They have sold 95% of their capacity in 2009. Their average price per ton in 2008 was $48.77. Their direct cost to mine a ton in 2008 was under $32/Ton.

Don’t let the newspaper get you down. Maybe the headline could have been: “Coal still burns brightly in down economy”


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